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WWDC 2017 Platforms State of the Union - Quick Recap
Xcode 9
- (Major) Source Editor - Re-written in Swift from Scratch
- In-built markdown editor
- 3x faster, 60FPS scrolling, 50x faster line jump
- Tokenize editing
- Brand new refactoring system
- Open Source Refactoring Engine
Swift 4
- String - Now range replaceable, character collection and bi-directional
- Codable - Now easily convert swift types to JSON, Plist.
Core Technologies
- Indexer rearchitected
- New build system
- Source Control - Github Integration, New navigator option and new clone window in github
- Main Thread API Checker
Testing and CI
- Xcode server built-in
- First match API
- xcodebuild now test multiple destination in-parallel
Wireless development
Drag & Drop
- Large navigation title and new search field
- Easy to enable using prefersLargeTitle = true
- TableView - Now enable self sizing cells
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